When does school start?
The first day of school is Monday, August 31, 2020.
What is our bell schedule?
You will follow our regular bell schedule which is accompanied in this mailing. You will attend all 6 of your classes, plus a HERO period.
How do I get my schedule?
You can access your schedule from Skyward. Please contact your counselor if you have any questions.
How will I be able to join my teacher’s Google Meet?
Your teacher will email you with access to their Google classroom. Meet directions are within the Google classroom page. Email your teacher if you do not get any information about joining their classroom.
What is expected of me during Google meet sessions?
Have your cameras on, mute yourself unless you are speaking, and dress appropriately. Try to find a space in your home that can be your study/school space that is free from noise. Be aware of what is displayed in the background and make sure to have enough lighting to illuminate the room. Participate frequently, come prepared with work completed, and ask questions.
What if I am a senior and I did not get to take the SAT last year?
Current seniors will take the SAT on campus, Wednesday, September 23, 2020. There are no virtual or digital testing opportunities. This exam is free of charge. More information will be provided to you as the test date approaches.
When can I pick up my Chromebook if I am a freshman or new to the district?
Chromebook distribution dates are as follows:
August 26 and 27: 1:00 pm-7:00 pm and August 28 and 29: 9:00-12:00 pm Distribution will be from the CMHS school parking lot.
Will my teacher’s take attendance every period?
Yes, attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class period. This will be recorded in Skyward. Absences exceeding more than 5% are reported to the truancy officer.
Do grades count?
Yes, and remember you always have the opportunity to retake exams and assignments by making arrangements with your teacher.
Do I have to attend all the classes on my schedule daily?
Yes, all classes meet daily including HERO period.
What should I do the night before school starts?
Make sure your laptop is charged. Check your schedule in Skyward one last time to make sure no changes were made to it.
What if I need help with school or with emotional matters?
When to contact the teacher:
When to contact the counselor/social
∙ If you are struggling with an
∙ If you are going to be absent (don’t
forget to have your parent contact
∙ If you need academic, social and
the attendance office)
emotional support
∙ If you cannot figure out how to
∙ To inform the school of extenuating
submit an assignment
∙ If you need academic, social and
∙ To discuss 4-year plans; especially
emotional support
testing dates, graduation
requirements, classification
∙ If you have questions about your
Social Worker
∙ If you need social and emotional
∙ For outside resources/agencies to
offer support to your family
What should I be aware of when I am in class when going live on remote learning?
DO be courteous
DO speak clearly
DO keep body movements to a minimal (i.e. dancing, rocking)
DO raise your hand or give a thumbs up to be acknowledged
DO follow the CMHS School Dress Code to the best of your ability
DO actively participate
DO be yourself and ask questions. We’re here for you!
DO mute yourself when you are not talking