At the November 11th Committee of the Whole meeting, Ms. Biernacki, the CMHS CTE Agriscience Teacher, updated the Board of Education about the recent experience CMHS agriculture and FFA students had at the 97th Annual National FFA Convention in Indianapolis. The event took place from October 23-26 and was a four-day trip made possible through a grant from ADM, which aimed to increase diversity and participation among underrepresented students in agriculture and FFA.
Thanks to the ADM Enhancing Diversity in Agriculture Grant Program, the entire cost of the trip—$8,862—was covered, with no financial burden placed on students. Additionally, the grant allocated over $3,000 to acquire uniforms, allowing all attendees to avoid the expense of purchasing dress uniform items or blue jackets. Sixteen students, one advisor, a chaperone, and a bus driver attended the conference.
Key Highlights from the Trip:
- Two CMHS students were invited to join the Illinois State Association FFA’s
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion task force after their conference involvement.
- The CMHS FFA Chapter plans to host an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion workshop at Crete-Monee High School, inviting diverse local learners to participate.
- Three senior students received job offers at the convention, offering them career opportunities post-graduation.
- Students participated in a stamp challenge hosted by Case New Holland, completing various tasks for a chance to win prizes. CMHS was selected as a winner and will receive a precision agriculture technology simulator for our classroom.
In addition to these highlights, students shared how the trip helped them forge new connections and enhance their professional networks. Some students participated in interviews with FarmWeek, which were featured on their radio station. The event also provided opportunities for community service, personal growth, and skill-building in social interactions. Many students expressed how attending workshops and engaging with others at the conference helped improve their communication skills, especially for more introverted individuals, and allowed them to expand their social circles by making new friends nationwide. The experience was a valuable opportunity for all involved, fostering personal and professional growth while furthering the mission of FFA to build leadership, career success, and community engagement.